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Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Want more information? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. 

How are families selected?

Once a referral is made, the family will be given a full application. Families that meet our minimum qualifications will be interviewed and a decision will be made by the board of directors and executive director.

Who is keeping up with the families?

A case manager will be assigned to each family to ensure they have proper guidance and being held accountable for their part in the program

How much money will you use to help the families?

The amount of money spent on a family depends on the plan approved by the board of directors, executive director, case manager and participants. Expenses can include, but not limited to higher learning costs, daycare, transportation, utilities, professional attire, etc.

How long is the program?

The length of the program depends on the plan approved by the board of directors, executive director, case manager and participants. Program will run no less than 9 months and no more than 12 months.

How will you follow up to see if the program was successful?

A case manager will continue to reach out to the family to offer support where needed for 12 months once the participants complete all required portions of the program. Participants are also welcomed and encouraged to seek guidance and resources from the program as necessary.

How likely are participants to get hired in the field once the program is completed?

Once a plan is established for the participants, Dante’s Smile will work to gain partnerships with surrounding companies that will need the type of assistance our participants are getting training for to optimize chances for placement and competitive pay.

What will the organization be responsible for?

The organization will be responsible for guiding the family to create a strategy to help propel them into a more stable future. We will provide resources such as, but not limited to, financial literacy classes, therapy sessions, childcare, career coaching, housing, transportation, and follow-up care for up to one year.

What will the family be responsible for?

The family will be responsible for weekly accountability meetings with the case manager to ensure they are keeping up with all of the assignments and duties given to them. The family will be responsible for paying an agreed portion of their salary to the program that will be used to benefit the family. A percentage of it will go towards running the program, the rest will be set aside to return to the family upon completion to be used as agreed upon by the case manager and participants.

What else is being funded with the donations?

Salaries for the executive director and case managers will be funded by donations along with other items that can be found on the budget worksheet.

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